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Saturday 16 July 2011

Finally a footpath!

You know you are in construction central when the sight of 'Scoop' outside our window no longer causes excitement for Mattias, and only merits a passing comment about rocks being moved.
And hence my joy the day the footpath was finished, never mind that it was raining. It is certainly hard work here. Hopefully we get to enjoy this footpath for awhile as is!

Monday 4 July 2011

Mattias finishes pre-school for the year

The last day of pre-school for Mattias included an open classroom time, so we went along and saw him doing his stuff - some of the matching games and drawing etc that has kept him occupied this past half year. His face was full of concentration, very fun to see.

His teacher said a lovely speech about the kids in her class and how she'd miss them and managed to talk through her tears. Those kids are a cute lot. I'll miss them too, they always come up and talk to Annalise and 'Mattias' mum' at pick up time.

Holiday time now, nice that Evie doesn't have to be ready for the bus to pick her up at 7.15am! Hope it doesn't rain the entire time so that we can make it to the park without gumboots over these coming weeks.

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