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Sunday 31 March 2013

A visit from Grandparents!

Skype is great, but not so great when your internet can be a little sketchy, email is good, sending through photos is great, but being in the same room as loved ones is better. 

In early March we had a visit from Karine's parents. After an epic trip, they made it to Loja late on a Saturday night. 

It was so nice to share some life together and for the kids to have some grandparent time. 

John and Arie made it out to Zamora and beyond to the Nangaritza river for some tropical adventure. 

 We tried some good local food and juices.

 We admired the animals at the zoo.

And celebrated John's birthday.

What a privilege to be able to enjoy some face to face time with family. 

Thanking God for this blessing.
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