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Tuesday 7 February 2017

Licence renewal, Ecuadorian style

My licence was soon running out so the other weekend I dived into a revision of all the local road rules ready for my test. There I was with the actual questions and the dictionary to figure out what was actually being asked and what the answer meant. Some more obscure questions got me laughing and also worried as my knowledge of how a motor functions wasn't really up to scratch. Still, I have new vocabulary and I can now technically describe a sign in spanish to John as we drive along...

Test day came and even with going to three different locations to complete the process I managed to get done within an hour, awesome. Thought I'd share some of favourites with you.

This one was beyond me and the dictionary was no help

Combustion motor - define it!

Not only mountain climbing but in water...

I've never seen this in Australia, but we live in land of bull fighting,
so of course the bull fighting ring gets it's own road sign

I just loved this one as a cyclist, a 'bicycle crossing' -
never have actually seen it, maybe it is still to come to Loja

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