I have begun to meet up with a friend to read the bible. Patricia comes over to my house on Tuesday mornings and we sit down with a cuppa and read and talk. My friend comes from a strongly catholic family but has for a long time been searching for something more, something that works...
So we have begun reading the gospel of Luke together. She is making all sorts of discoveries about what the bible is like, about who Jesus is and what God desires of us. Our conversation also includes things like what I think about praying to the dead, praying to saints, the benefits keeping saints and religious paraphernalia on hand to ensure success and safety.
Yesterday she mentioned the simplicity of our house and that we don't have pictures or statues of saints or the virgin around the house, nor do we have an open bible on a stand, nor other religious bits and bobs everywhere.
She talked about how when her and her husband moved to Loja last year they decided to throw out the Saint and blessed bread and other items that her mum wanted her to have in their shop to ensure success. They related these things to the idea of the golden calf that the Israelites worshipped in the desert.
And her conclusion to the matter....none of those things are really necessary are they? No, because Jesus is our only mediator and no-one else can do his work of giving us access to God the Father.
It was a surprise to me how every part of our lives, including interior decorating, can speak of the relationship that we have with our great God and the difference that trusting in Jesus makes!