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Here are a few videos of how God is using us in Ecuador. If you would like to download and use these videos in your bible study group or church then please use the link to vimeo and download the appropriate file. If you would like us to get you something specific for your church then please let us know. 

Here is an update of some changes that are about to happen for us.

We were recently asked to make a video for a kid's church, we hope you enjoy the kids explaining some of the differences between our two countries.  

After working with some team members on getting strategy for SIM Ecuador, here is a short video about the trip we made and some other things that have been going on (March 2016). 

This is a video showing you what our reality right now (July 2015). Inside the video we hear from a few participants of ESI (Equipping Servants). They tell us how the word of God is impacting their lives as a result of studying God's word. 

After arriving back in July 2014 we have been busy moving into the house, finding our feet in ministry and reacquainting ourselves with friends. Here is a short intro in what life has been like and where we have been spending our time.

A short introductory video to help you know a little bit more about who we are and what we do.

A video outlining a major part of our ministry here, Equipping Servants. For more info on this project and what we do visit

This video explains a little of the bookshop and the reason for why we want to have a bookshop in Loja.

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