After three years living in the same city and travelling the same roads you would think that I, John, would know that I need to take $1 for tolls when going out of town. Well not tonight!!
Here I was listening to a talk on the radio, when the toll booth came to mind. I need to get the 50 cents ready. It was then that I realised, 30 kilometres from home that I did not even have 1 cent to my name.
I thought to myself, what can I do, do I turn around and do this trip tomorrow? Do I continue and risk them turning me around? Do I ring some teammates who maybe close behind me? But maybe not. Oh I know, it's close to aeroplane leaving time and Gustavo, our regular taxi driver who takes us to the airport, might be coming up the hill?
I give him a call and lo and behold he is just the other side of the toll booth and is very keen to help out. In fact he offers me much more money that I need, but I tell him that $1 is all I need to get me there and back.
After getting the money the smile was big and the traffic was light, so I made my way easily to the toll booth, and after paying I asked the lady at the toll booth, "What happens if I don't have any money?" To which she responded, we just let you go through. What a lot of stress for something that could have been avoided if I didn't prepare the money beforehand.