We have 3 other groups currently running and just recently begun a new group, that I, along with Pablo who completed ESI with me last year, will be running. You can imagine my excitement when I took the photo below of this new group of guys willing and eager to study God's word together.
It will be a challenging and wonderful road for these guys as they go slowly through Romans, digging deep into the nuts and bolts of the gospel, justification, sanctification and how it relates to the local church and their own lives. Pondering the marvellous grace that is bought with the precious blood of Jesus. Finding out about imputation and how it really means that there is nothing I can personally do to make God happy with me, but it is really about Christ's work that is given to us to make us lovely in His sight.
Such great truths to be reminded of, I know I'm looking forward to exploring these wonderful doctrines with these guys and helping them to understand what they mean and helping them see what God's word will unpack for them.
Pray with me as we continue to invest in their lives and push them to work hard in order to be leaders of the church in Loja for years to come.