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Sunday 5 August 2007

Celebrating in Sheffield

We've just come back from two and a bit weeks in Sheffield, England to celebrate Julian and Beth's wedding on July 30th (K's younger brother). I think John did a great job as the official photographer!

We had a super time, meeting up with Jodie the afternoon we arrived, and spending a few days with one of John's old friends from his Oak Hall days, and his family. Evie absolutely loved playing with Meghan, their little girl.

We stayed in two little cottages in the middle of green rolling hills, managed a walk in the Peak District and generally got ready for the wedding (plus stocking up on some asian and indian spices...). Evie couldn't give her little cousin Mya enough cuddles! It was hard saying goodbye to family but we are so glad we were able to go.


  1. Hi There K,J and E

    Great News of your new Baby on the way!! Praying that all goes well !
    Beautiful photos especially of the family with Julian and Beth's wedding, wish we where there!
    God bless.
    Lots of love
    your cousins in Oz A&A

  2. Holaaaa

    Me encanta ver las fotos de la boda.¡¡

    Se ven tan felices todos.

    Y Evie esta tan tan linda¡¡

    Muchos cariños para todos.

    El mejor de los deceos para Julian y su nueva vida.




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