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Sunday 7 September 2008

100 Kilometers of 4WD

As the preaching conference gets closer there is more need to round up people to come. One of the goals for the conference was to reach people who are in remote areas and invite them along to the conference in order to encourage them, and give them the necessary tools for preaching and teaching the bible.
So in order to do this we travelled 339kms in one day and visited 6 Pastors in 4 towns and spent roughly 9-10 hours driving. 
We started the day by driving to Zamora where we met a Pastor we had arranged (the only thing we did arrange). We told him and he was excited and said he knew some pastors in Yantzaza. So off we went for a 1 hour drive. Once there we met two pastors and gave them enough information about the conference to give to other pastors in the same town. 
From Zantzaza we went to Yacaumbi (28 Mayo on map), another 1 hours in the car where we had a deep fried fish lunch with rice and Yuka. It was at this town I met the husband of a family who had moved to this remote place in order to be Christians there. At the time we arrived his wife was in a new town where they had decided to move to in order to spread the good news. This meant another 1 hour in the car to Tutupali. I thought the road was bad up until now, however this next part was not for the faint hearted and was specifically built for 4WD's, the 50km trip each way was very demanding and had a high smile factor. On the way to this remote place we crossed a river, around 50m wide, saw a spectacular waterfall and at the end of the road we had to cross the foot bridge in order to get into town. Once there the lady we met was so excited about the conference and said she would be joining us for the three days. 
All in all,  it was a good day. There was fun to be had, but also it was an encouraging day for both us and for those we met. 


  1. wow, that's heaps encouraging, especially the family that moved to the remote town. just prayed for the conference, that it will be a huge blessing.

  2. Man, and I thought that we were adventurous going 4WDing in Kakadu, not a patch on you John. I am frightened just looking at that footbridge! Glad it was such a success!


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