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Monday 7 November 2011

Evie turns 6

Time to party, Evie turned 6 years old! We had a fun day, lots of kids, lots of mayhem, lots of food and lots of laughs. We played the straw relay game where you have to carry an m&m to a bowl using a straw and I suddenly had to think of a bunch of ways to explain in spanish how to suck on the straw in order to pick up the m&m rather than blow air out (by which time the majority of the m&m's were coated in saliva...). We played the donut on a string game - probably the funniest to watch as the kids lunged and dived for their wayward donut. We played pass the parcel and the chocolate game, which was also a bit of a riot. 

We had a big love heart cake, a success for the icing alone and then watched a movie. 

Thanking God for our girl as she grows, praying for wisdom as we seek to guide her in Jesus' footsteps. 

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