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Saturday 20 August 2011

What is that?

Another day of driving in Ecuador finding a good place to sleep and food that our kids will enjoy. We are fortunate that Mattias loves rice as every meal can come with rice, be it spaghetti, soup or just a hunk of meat .
However today as we were driving along we were confronted with a problem of numerous cultures converging on us. I looked at this lady deep frying something (and I always have a taste for things deep fried), I thought to myself, "Beer battered fish" and "Croquets", oh yum, and any Australian born to Dutch parents will agree that although a strange combination to find together, they would be well worth eating, if that's what they really were.
And that is exactly what went wrong, as you look at the photo you can imagine my surprise to find the croquet really being fish covered in mashed banana, and the beer battered fish as a beer battered banana. Ha ha ha, oh to be from a Dutch background, growing up in Australia and trying to live in Ecuador where everything is made to look like things you love, but just end up being banana.

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