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Saturday 20 July 2013

Holiday Bible Club

I've had a fun week with the kids at the Holiday Bible Club this week. 160 kids over 5 days coming to have some fun playing games, doing craft and learning about the Lord. We taught about different aspects of God's character as demonstrated in the lives of different kings of the bible....King Joash and how God has a plan, King David and God's power, King Solomon and God's wisdom and King Jesus and God's victory.

I now know 4 more memory verses in spanish, have remembered the spanish word for slug (on the day I was filling in time by getting the kids to guess which animal I was) and got sweaty playing freeze tag.

We sang some great songs with lots of movement (still didn't understand all of the words by the last day but certainly did a lot of spinning and jumping at the right time) and got to love on kids and tell them a bit more about our great God.
One of the groups of kids that I taught with Paola, they were lovely
Paola and me at our fruit kebab stand on the Saturday morning fair
This is how Mattias spent alot of his time during the big group time, practising his fighting moves with his mates
We had ice cream to celebrate the end of the week
 The word for slug is babosa.

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