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Friday 9 January 2015

Thyme for tea

I've never been overly adventurous with my choice of herbal tea. The fact is I can't really go past peppermint, it tastes so good (perhaps also the fact that I have a plentiful supply of peppermint leaves after my mistakenly large purchase of leaves on Amazon a while back also contributes to my dogged faithfulness to my nightly cuppa). A rooibos or chamomile may get thrown into the mix occasionally if the mood strikes.

On the other hand, lojanos are experts on herbal teas, there is one for every season, every health complaint, every mood.  Just after Christmas I felt like I was coming down with the same cold John and Annalise had been hanging onto for a few weeks, noooooo was my internal complaint after I'd soaked yet another tissue. So I thought as may as well follow my good neighbour's advice and make some thyme tea, perfect for warding off colds I am told. Mix in a bit of honey and voila, say goodbye to that cold. The best thing is, she was pretty much right, I think I avoided the worst of the whole episode and for now I'm happy to attribute it to my thyme tea.

I continued my resolve to branch out in tea choices the other day by accepting a friends offer of fenugreek leaf tea. Despite possible health benefits, that one I'll give a miss in future.

What's your fave herbal tea? 

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