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Monday 17 August 2015

Recent food adventures

I took the kids out for KFC the other day, as a holiday treat. I love the way fast food gets tweaked worldwide to increase its appeal to the local market. Here we have the super combo #1.... plenty of rice and lentils = happy life for the average lojano, including these three!

Our local major supermarket has a healthy selection of most parts of the animal, here we have tripe, tongue, crackling, and pork feet amongst other delights. Just want to add that the other week I did eat a little bit of BBQ pork heart which was quite nice (although rather heavily salted). The presence of the pork heart was mainly due to it being part of the props for John's talk for a church leadership retreat....

Ricuras de Sal y Dulce...always a winner, plus it has a fancy sign saying its part of the cultural food heritage of Ecuador. A big tortilla of fried green plantain, with beef and eggs was Tijs' meal, the girls are having crumbled cheese, white corn, little potatoes (papa chaucha - very delicious) plus a fried ripe plantain on the side. The batidos (fruit with milk) are divine!

Here we have the famous local arveja con guineo (pea and green banana) soup, topped with avocado. Who knew avocado in soup was so good? And the pink drink is horchata, the local tea made with over 20 different herbs and flowers, can be served hot, warm or cold.

Cecina con yuca....a big slab of pork on the BBQ with yuca (or taro)....a wonderful way to fill the belly (this was for Ecuadorian fathers day, will we remember to celebrate the Australian date in September?).

An afternoon snack of yoghurt and yuca bread. Tasty and appropriate in any kind of weather with the cold drink and the hot bread.

And here is part of Saturday's breakfast, mandarin juice. I can never quite get over these beauties. Do we actually get mandarins like this in Australia?

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