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Monday 5 November 2007

And you wonder why we go thru so much Vegemite!

You can't say that Evie isn't a faithful little Australian!

We just celebrated Evie's second birthday at the end of October, I think we all enjoyed ourselves. She was spoiled with presents and well wishes from around the globe, so thank you to everyone who remembered us and made us feel very loved!

We only have 3 months left of our official language and orientation year, so really need to get cracking on the rest of our orientation manual...please pray we'll stick at it! Good timing too, as our second baby is also due in 3 months, nothing like an enforced deadline I guess.
But don't worry, we still are managing to have some fun, like chilling out at the park, playing futbol with friends. Evie's developing a good kick.

This is a picture of Fabricio and us on the morning of the recent world cup qualifiers. Let me tell you, he wasn't out of place on this day! People are passionate about their team and proud to show it!
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