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Friday 1 February 2008

Tijs arrives

"What?" you say, "Tijs", what is this? This is the short dutch version for Mattias, sort of. So now that you know that you are now wondering about how to pronounce two names. In dutch the 'ij' is like an 'a', but long, more like 'ay'.
Evie is enjoying Tijs being home and she gives him hugs at every opportunity. There is the odd "not too tight Evie", but she is getting there.

We are adjusting to being a family of four, having to change more nappies and enjoy more midnight hugs. We were thinking that Evie was still waking up a lot at night, but we've been reminded that it was nothing.

We have tried to give Evie some special moments in our time away from home. One of them was the bubble day we had after church. She had loads of fun chasing the bubbles all round the backyard here. It was a winner in her mind.

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