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Sunday 24 August 2008

Ecuador's wildlife and scenery

I first saw one of these vermillion flycatchers (I think that's what they're called) on our beach holiday. I couldn't believe something that vibrant was actually a living thing. They are great.

The view from where we had our team retreat, lovely sunsets on the mountains for a brief minute or two.

John makes it up Mandango. In record time (he had some energy to burn). It's a great view from the top.

A Hamper, Ecuadorian Style

OK, I'm a little hazy on details but there was a christian type marathon happening from the coast through Loja up to Quito. The idea was for this team of christian runners to be a blessing around different locations in Ecuador, praying for cities and churches along the way.

When it got to Loja, a cavalcade was organised and John, being in the pastor's fraternal went along too. Long and short of it, there was a service at a local church, it included feet washing and John getting a hamper! It was SOOOOO heavy I counldn't even pick it up. Check out the photo to see what was inside...not your average chocolate and wine hamper!
Needless to say, we won't be buying rice or brown sugar for a while.

Wednesday 13 August 2008

La Playa

We thought we would be adventurous and try to have a holiday with a 2 1/2 year old and 6 month old and so headed down to the beach. We drove up to Cuenca and met Dan and Rach and Nathaniel, then all squeezed into the car down to Guayaquil where we dropped them off. We thought to go to Montañita, but as we stepped out of the car the realisation hit that we truly are not in a backpacking stage of life and what goes with it, so after a yummy lunch headed further up to Puerto Lopez which turned out to be great. The beach was calm enough at shore for Evie and further out back had enough waves for some body surfing. I didn't realise how much I missed the ocean. Evie had so much energy, it was unbelievable. We even saw some whales offshore! 
I think we will go again in the not too distant future....

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