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Thursday 18 June 2009

Jesús habla las plenas

I was reading Luke 9 this week with a friend. The end of the chapter finishes off with Jesus responding to a man who said ‘I will follow you wherever you go’ by talking about how Jesus has nowhere to lay his head. Jesus does not promise that everything will be smooth sailing if you decide to follow him.

In our discussion my friend said Jesus really talks straight, or ‘habla las plenas’, he doesn’t beat around the bush, doesn’t say anything other than the truth. In response to people wanting to follow him, he wants them to think about it first, he tells them it won’t be easy and wants them to count the cost. But he tells the whole truth…the cost is well worth it because the reward is so great – eternal life spent in his presence.

It is a great thing to discover anew with my friend the character of Jesus, that he does tell it like it is, and what he has to say is the most important thing we can pay heed to in this world where we often have to wade through a lot of white noise to get to the point.

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