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Wednesday 15 July 2009

Randwick Presbyterian Church in Loja!

From Sunday June 28th until Monday July 6th we had a team of 9 from our home church, Randwick Presbyterian, visiting us and getting involved in some ministry here in Loja.
It was a hectic week but very worthwhile. We really appreciated the opportunity for this group of people to experience a bit of life in Loja, meet people, encourage and challenge them with the great news of Jesus and generally do some things they would never normally do (up close and personal with a guinea pig)!
We had an outreach for women held at our church (we taught them dot painting on Australian animals cutouts), we had an AFL clinic which even spiked the interest of the police in the park who then stayed around to provide security for us and help find (the many) stray balls, we hung out with the guys from our youth group and also got involved in working at the cafe and the english minsitry events over the week. I think God challenged each of us to do things we never normally do and to trust him in stretching situations.
The team did a great job and got to enjoy some of the incredible scenery around Loja too!
Thanks God for bringing this great group of people to us!

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