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Thursday 21 October 2010

Gourmet travellers

Was very excited to receive a new food mag from a friend from RPC, and especially so to see a salad with quinoa on the front cover! Tried it out this last Sunday with a family over from church, one of whom commented, 'we normally use quinoa in soup'...nothing like breaking with tradition!

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Fresh out of the salon

Pegs are such useful things aren't they? This afternoon they not only served to hang up Annalise's nappies but also as rose petals for a wedding Evie attended, then they morphed into hair clips for Mattias' and Evie's hair dressing salon. I think I'll ditch my regular hairdresser and just use these guys instead!

Sunday 10 October 2010

Giant cubby houses and the like

Here we have the giant cubby house that kept Evie and Tijs amused for Saturday morning, courtesy of John's building prowess. There were a few tears when I pulled it down the next day.

And here we have Annalise, at 6 months, trying out her first real food, good old rice cereal. Despite the face, she really didn't seem to mind it at all!
We had some new friends over for lunch today, Sandra and David and their two kids, cooked up some hamburgers on the wood fire BBQ out the back, and made it a good aussie burger with beetroot, served on John's homemade bread rolls. It was a nice time and good to hear more of their story, how they have worked as missionaries around Ecuador and elsewhere and are now back in Loja, their home town, for schooling for their kids. How encouraging to see how God is using people from everywhere to tell others about his awesome rescue!

Trying out fresh prunes

Here is my latest purchase at the market, fresh prunes, 25 for $1. They are pretty good.

I hadn't made it down to the market for almost three weeks, so I bought up big yesterday and spent a whopping $30! I think i don't need to go again for another three weeks...
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