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Monday 28 February 2011


Evie came home on Friday with a little bag of potatoes in hand - harvested from the school garden that they work in. Well done, green thumb! Evie says we should make some potato chips out of them, sounds perfect.

Monday 14 February 2011


We were half way through our apple dumpling recipe and discovered we had to core the apples. Alas! Apple corers don't exist in this past of the world. So we set John onto the task and his solution worked a treat. The dumplings were scrumptious.

Monday 7 February 2011

Celebrating Mattias' birthday

After raining most of the week, Loja was beautifully sunny last Saturday morning which meant perfect party weather for Mattias. John did a lovely job decorating the cake and we managed a little potato and spoon race before we decided the sun was too sunny and we should retreat to the shade. Happy birthday Tijs!

A walk with mum

We ran out of bananas after 4 days (that means almost 20 bananas....good thing they are only 5c each), so I decided I had better go and get some more. Annalise, who had no choice in the matter, accompanied me. Evie and Mattias voiced their opinions and decided to stay home and continue to play. It's a long hill down to the market, but with 20 bananas in hand, an even longer one back up. Annalise had a lovely time pulling my hair and looking all around at the big, wide world.
This feels like a nice kid stage right now - Evie and Mattias can play together for ages when both are in the right moods and not too tired. Saturday was one long mum's and dad's game for them. Annalise is getting herself moving and curious about everything, so Mattias is extra busy packing and hiding his 'special' toys from her reaching hands. Evie is learning a dance at school and I can see that famous latin hip wiggle coming along nicely as she practices at home.

Speaking of dancing, I was reminded again yesterday that language bloopers will never be too far away....a friend jokingly said yesterday that we should start dancing some salsa, I responded by saying, 'Great, I have some Chi Chi' and she bursts out laughing. So, I was referring to a salsa album I have by Chi Chi Peralta, but here, chi chi means boobs. I won't forget that now!
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