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Friday 13 May 2011

Recent random happenings

Life does go on, but living here often brings events that don't happen at home very often. Here are some of those moments...

Got a call at 9pm the other night. A guy that people on our team had been looking after had just died after a short battle with cancer. The great news was that in the past few weeks he had given his life to Christ and so he went to his new eternal home. But he needed some clothes to put his earthly body in. No place selling clothes here is open at that time of night but John did have a pair of jeans he wasn't really using, so that seemed like a good use to put them to!

My third attempt to pay the electricity bill was a dismal failure. Somewhat embarrassingly, my first attempt was marked by my success to bring enough money but failure to bring the actual bill. My second attempt was valiant as I stayed in line a good number of minutes waiting for the system to start working again. My third attempt got off to a good start, no wait, bill in hand but now I had to pay for two months and for that I did not have enough money. No option to pay for only one month. I make my exit and declare that John will pay this bill.

Got to Romans 3.21-26 today with my friend Patricia, wonderful to be able to talk again about the incredibly great news that God has provided everything we need to save us, and that in Christ we are justified, we are set free from sin, and that he accomplished what we were not able to do of our own accord.

The sandbags outside our house have not budged, now been there for over a month. The amount of sand in the bags are slowly diminishing. The kids like the bumpy ride as we launch over them into our driveway.

Returned to the car with an ominous puddle next to the rear tire. Someone once again has mistaken that tire for a public urinal.

Discover, to my delight, that there is a play swing set in the local toy store, so send John out to buy it immediately. We had been thinking of trying to get one made out of timber but wasn't sure how successful it would be. The kids are ecstatic.

Chatting with a friend (who is married with 2 kids) this afternoon, she tells me of the recent debacle she had with her new doctor. The doctor recognised her from when they were teenagers. And then starts asking her personal questions, then asks for her phone number....she escapes and decides to find a new doctor and her husband promises to accompany her to all future doctor visits. Faithfulness in marriage is something to be fought for.

Friday night I wondered why outside our house is such a great location for mobile discos. Evie woke up a few times from the super loud music closer to midnight. 12.30am seemed like a good time to ring the police to see if they would come and move these party animals along. It worked. Half an hour later, either the same group or a new group turn up. 2am I call the police again, and again at 2.30am. I think by about 3am I had dropped off and I guess the music had too. At least the music isn't too distasteful...
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