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Tuesday 11 October 2011

Play time

Thought it might be nice to have a play date for Evie, so we sent a note home with her classmates for a Friday afternoon gig, 4-6pm. Friday afternoon rolled around and a good amount of kids too! Some came early (before 3.30pm - is that possible here in Latin America??!), some came late, we had laughs and games and popcorn. Got to speak to some mum's, plus one of the ladies that looks after one of Evie's classmates in the afternoons (who it turns out has a little plot of land higher up the mountain, so I gave her my butternut pumpkin seedling as I figure I don't really have enough room, here's to hoping some pumpkins will result and that we can have some tasty pumpkin soup). Two of Evie's teachers came too, so all round, good to build some more connections at school. I wouldn't mind investigating whether it's possible to volunteer at school maybe once every few weeks, reading english books or the like, but my mind can't currently get around the extra organisation required between Mattias and Annalise, so will leave that as a mere thought at present.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John and Karine,
    This is Dave Luis from Credo @ UTS in Sydney!

    It's great to hear about your stories and with what's been happening in Ecuador!

    We've been praying for you guys in our small groups and public meetings over the last year and its been great to see God do some great things over there!

    Could you please get in touch with me about getting some more prayer points from you guys. We've tried to email you but they keep bouncing!

    Hear from you soon.

    Dave Luis


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