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Friday 20 April 2012

The automatic gate gets unexpectedly cleaned

Was in the middle of cooking lunch today when there was a ring on the bell. Out I go to see who it one I knew. But he tells me he is here to clean the automatic gate and that he had spoken to John about it. Called John to see if that was actually true and yes, apparently so. In comes Jaime, and cleans away all the dirt, greasing up the gate so that it opens relatively smoothly. He then proceeds to weed my cactus garden, something I am quite glad for. Then he asks for some lunch, so out I bring a bowl full of soup, and some fruit. After that I give him the money owing. Then he asked for some clothes (which I declined to give seeing as I didn't think I had anything useful for him). We chat for a bit and off he goes, telling me he'll be back in 4 months.
So, John and I both get to tick something off our To do lists around the house and someone has a full belly and a bit of cash to hopefully be spent wisely!
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