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Monday 11 June 2012

Clases de natación

For the last month of school, Evie gets to go to swimming classes twice a week. I've been going along to check out how it's done here. Somewhat more chaotic than compared to the swimming classes the kids were in when in Sydney, they are definitely getting a lot of play time in. Evie is having a blast!
And afterwards there is time for a hot drink of herbal tea and a piece of fruit which is brought along by the school.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Extra fun for 'Día del niño'

At the kids club at church (awana's) and for sunday school this past week, we had special programs to celebrate Children's Day (June 1st). It involved circus tricks (my juggling act was something to behold really), food and songs where you have to stick out your tongue and turn around like a penguin.

Chu chu gua, chu chu gua......

The Country Club

To celebrate the 'Día del Niño' at Evie and Tijs' school there was an entire school outing to 'The Country Club' (must be said in a spanish accent) where one of the families has a house. Many families here have some sort of weekender or 'finca' nearby in the mountains where it's a little warmer than Loja. So off we trundle down south and down in altitude, escaping rainy Loja but entering windy Malacatos. After getting to Malacatos and asking a good number of times the direction to 'The Country Club' we arrived. 
The kids had a super day, running around on the play equipment, swimming in the pool and even having a go on the waterslide (probably my highlight). 

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