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Sunday 24 February 2013

Which way?

We were off to a pool and a relaxing day when we were told by the man directing traffic to wait on the side of the road. It was then that one starts to worry about what is going to happen, big bulldozer in front and something very close behind, I guess the idea of closing the road to complete the work wasn't an option, but it was certainly nice to have a close look at a some road construction.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Enjoying the coast at Curia

The school calendar changed this year to two semesters, thus no holidays at Christmas time but in February. Quite a nice change as it's the sunny season down on the coast.

We made it to Guayaquil for a few days to sort out Mattias' australian passport renewal and then wound our way to the coast.

Curia is a great little spot, quiet and relatively peaceful apart from the dogs and the horses and the fishing boats and cyclists and cars driving on the beach.

Went out at low tide, took us 2 swims to realise it wasn't a good idea....John was stung by a ray both times.

Got the kids to take some photos on the way home to keep them somewhat occupied. Travelling from sea level up to 4000m and down to 2100m makes it an impressive trip, through countless banana, rice and cocoa plantations, up through the cloud forest, the páramo and then winding along through the Andes back to Loja.

Green banana anyone?
Need anything from the butcher?

Plant life at 4000m

Stunning sunsets from the balcony at Curia

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