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Tuesday 29 September 2015

We were born for change

There is currently a public campaign in Ecuador for people to switch to induction stove tops. For a country that cooks with gas, this is a major change, a big deal, and probably one that mystifies many.

For this to work, each house needs to be installed with 220V for the stove, this a 110V country. Each household needs to buy a new stove, whether just the stove top or oven as well. Each person needs to figure out how to cook on an induction stove top after a life time of cooking with gas.

There are many reasons that I haven't really investigated why this is all happening but I am enjoying some of the aspects of this campaign.

The other week I happened to be walking past the Plaza Central and saw this cooking demonstration going on, how to cook your base sauce for your meals on the induction stove top, the step by step explanation of the process, live in action. It was great.

There was a whole range of stove tops and oven on display along with brochures, ready for the taking, plus payment plans over many months to make it affordable. There are all sorts of packages, incentives and investment that the government is making in order to make this work.

A few blocks away I passed the electricity company and the tag line caught my eye. 'Nacimos para vivir cambios'. We were born for change, or to live out changes. How to motivate a whole society to radically change their approach to cooking? Get to the heart of the matter....we were born for change, so embrace even this!

But it's true for us also, isn't it, if we are born again in Christ, then we are born to change. Little by little, every day, Jesus is changing us into his image, into his likeness. As children of the living God we can never deny this reality in our lives, we can't say no to change, we can't ever stop working out our salvation with fear and trembling, even as God works in us to will and to act according to his good purpose. May I never assume I have reached a point of no change or of hiding behind the excuse of this is my character, end of story. No, in humility and by God's grace, may change live on in me!
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