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Wednesday 30 December 2015

Christmas time in Loja

Christmas in Loja, a sweet time to remember the birth of Jesus, Saviour, Lord and King.

Nativity scene preparation....
Bags of lollies and biscuits to be bought and assembled
(that is a stack of sacks of little animal biscuits, its a serious business here)
Christmas trees to be put up
Christmas lights on
Christmas Eve service with narration of the birth of Christ
Celebrating the birth of Christ, along with Toño's birthday

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Cricket on the equator

We inherited some cricket bats from some former Aussie missionaries so John and Mattias have been have a bit of a (small) hit in the (small) back yard.

The other week we had a BBQ with our team mates, so took the opportunity to introduce cricket to them. It was fun to see Bolivians, Germans, Canadians and Australians have a go at hitting with this 'funny' bat.

Earlier this year our SIM 'team' divided up into smaller, ministry focused teams. We are part of the Equipping group, which is aimed at working with pastors and leaders to be able to be better equipped in the task that God has called them to. This means we will continue with what we have been doing up till now with our 'Growing Pastors' focus, but amongst other things we'll be adding another dimension to seeing how we can equip leaders a bit further afield in province areas.

We are a group that brings different life experience, skills, language and cultural understanding to our team, and we all are learning from each other, including how to play cricket!
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