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Wednesday 28 March 2007

Loja has internet...

For those of you who love to spend your time surfing the net, we thought we would give you something to read once in a while about life in Loja. We'll be posting things about what we have been doing, how we are going and show you some pics.
We hope to update this regularly, but if you have a request for specific information about Loja, then please let us know.
Thanks for reading so far and we hope you enjoy!
Love, J,K&E


  1. Hey Woldhuis' it is great that you have a blog! I will be checking it regularly. I love that photo of Evie, so cute, she has changed since I last saw her. Can we see some photos of you in your street/plaza etc?
    x Kack

  2. hi karine, anita here. i found you via kack's blog and have enjoyed seeing your wonderful photos....if you're speaking with jodie soon tell her we want her in london to re-decorate our place...! God bless your little family


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