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Wednesday 26 September 2007

Loja Trembles...

With John away and all, there I was reading away at the happy hour of 12 midnight last night when suddenly everything began to move. Not just a gentle sway but a significant rocking. The bed was moving, the windows were making noises in their frames, it felt like the whole building was creaking.

The normal few seconds of a tremor passed, but the shaking continued….oh my word, when was it going to stop??? It felt as if the ground was alive! So I jump out of bed, deriding myself for not keeping up to date our ‘emergency kit’ and run to Evie’s room, in which she continues to sleep peacefully oblivious to all. Do I wait a few more seconds? Do I grab her and run outside? By the time these thoughts had whizzed through my mind it seemed as though the tremor/quake had stopped, praise the Lord! So I make my way back to bed with my heart pounding in my chest.
Apparently it was a tremor of 5.9 with the epicentre not too far away from Loja.

All I can say is that the novelty of feeling the earth move under my feet has definitely receded and I’d be happy to be on solid ground the rest of my days (you’ll be happy to know that about 12.15am a friend who lives across the road buzzed a couple of times on my door to check that Evie and I were OK)!


  1. Yes, I AM glad to know that the neighbours are looking after you! Now go get your emergency kit up to date. ;o)

  2. oh that is horrible, glad that you are all okay. Hope you are not too lonely without John (and vice versa). Big kisses to Evie from us. x kack

  3. Hey - just found your blog on an SIM list. I've got a blog going too at but no seems to be able to put comments on it. Good to "see" you again. Pauline


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