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Monday 31 March 2008

Loja's sunsets...

...are often quite spectacular if you can catch them for the few minutes that the sky is lit up! Often it's around the time Evie is eating dinner, so we just need to remember to turn our heads to the window to enjoy the great sight.

Tijs and Evie are going well, Tijs at 2 months has almost reached 7kg! Yikes!

Evie loves watching what goes on at the school behind our place, and there aren't many days where something doesn't happen. I have never known a place with so many 'events'. This is a picutre of the Mariachi band that played in honour of International Women's Day on 8th March.

1 comment:

  1. The random Mariachi band is cool, but the thing I really can't get over is how long Karine's hair is getting. It's longer than mine!


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