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Monday 28 April 2008

FĂștbol es lo mejor

"Praise the Lord!" I said to Karine, I've finally been invited to play soccer with the youth group guys. Off we went for a fun filled afternoon, and was it ever. I felt like David Beckham playing amongst people below five feet. Having scored a few goals and no injuries, things were looking great. Of course, the unfortunate sometimes happens, and yes, usually when you haven't played for a long time and you think you're Beckham. So as I left the field to get the ball, the ankle twisted, making a noise that made the surrounding players cringe. Hopping to the nearest tap, I said, "That's all folks", and put my foot under some nice cool running water. The result, as you can see, is a very blue and painful ankle. All I can hope for is that recovery is quick and a comeback will ensue. Ministry is great!!

Saturday 12 April 2008

Going to the greengrocer, Loja style

Just thought we'd show you a few shots of our local green grocer, and John in the middle of the important decision of which bananas to buy, the 4c or 5c ones...

Wednesday 2 April 2008

Rain, rain go away come back another day

Front page of today's newspaper

As the rain keeps coming and the ground takes on more water, eventually it caves in. I think in the last few weeks we can say that we have had around 1.5 to 2m of rain, or so it feels, and the ground is feeling the pinch. I (John) was driving to GonzanamĂĄ the other day and the 1 1/2 hour trip took just over two hours as there were a number of landslides that we had to drive through. The day after 60m of the same road collapsed taking with it a small ute and a semi trailer with 200 bottles of LPG. Flights have been suspended for the moment as this is the main connecting road between Loja and Catamayo, where the airport is located. As the rain has not entirely stopped we are sure to hear about more disasters like this. Please pray for safety as people travel and also for those affected by similar incidents and disasters around the country.
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