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Monday 28 April 2008

Fútbol es lo mejor

"Praise the Lord!" I said to Karine, I've finally been invited to play soccer with the youth group guys. Off we went for a fun filled afternoon, and was it ever. I felt like David Beckham playing amongst people below five feet. Having scored a few goals and no injuries, things were looking great. Of course, the unfortunate sometimes happens, and yes, usually when you haven't played for a long time and you think you're Beckham. So as I left the field to get the ball, the ankle twisted, making a noise that made the surrounding players cringe. Hopping to the nearest tap, I said, "That's all folks", and put my foot under some nice cool running water. The result, as you can see, is a very blue and painful ankle. All I can hope for is that recovery is quick and a comeback will ensue. Ministry is great!!


  1. Oooouch!! :o\ I've had a couple of ankle sprains that came out looking like that. My Mum (who's a nurse) always told me the best treatment was RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevation. But you're probably all healed by now anyway. :o)

  2. yeah, that looks nasty. Does this mean your career as a footballer is over before it began? The markets look fabulous, so much fun. I wish Coles was like that...


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