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Tuesday 15 July 2008

Has it really been 10 years????

John and I celebrated 10 years of marriage on the 11th! It has been a good ten years, God has blessed us with some great times, some stretching times and has always been faithful to us. We went out to dinner and we were the ONLY ONES in the restaurant the whole time we were there. Thankfully, the lack of custom was no reflection on the food. It was great. 
Here we are, about to go out - we took an Ecuadorian style shot and a regular shot...


  1. Hurray for you guys! You do remember that was also Becky's B-day?
    Blessings on you. And, I like the nonEcuadorian pic better.--dn

  2. love the top pic - you two are very funny :)

    congratulations on the decade!! xx

  3. Congratulations John and Karine. Ten years - well done :-)
    I like the comparison of the two photo's :-D

  4. Hilarious first pic!!!

    They do the same here in Peru... just don't want to smile for pics... yet they always have just beautiful smiles...

    Hope all is well! Bendiciones!

    Jeff, for all the Peruvian Krohns


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