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Thursday 19 March 2009

¡La Evie, tan lojana!

Evie was playing 'waitress' the other day and gave me the menu of what was on offer at her 'fruit shop'. There were mangoes, bananas, grapes, apples, strawberries..... I placed my order of mango only to find out there were no mangoes available. Ok then, bananas. No, no bananas available either. Grapes? No, says Evie, actually we only have apples today.

Quite a common experience here. It made me chuckle!

Plus, here is a pic of Mattias adding to his climbing exploits.


  1. It's amazing how children can observe the life around them so exactly...
    What will Tijs climb next?...

  2. That is so funny, Hamish plays the same game, only when he opens the fruit shop there is never any fruit in it, he just says no to everything! This doens't reflect the state of our local fruit shop though...


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