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Wednesday 14 October 2009

Spiritual refreshment in the Andes, 24-28 August

This year’s spiritual life conference for SIM Ecuador was a special treat for us as David Cook (SMBC principal) along with his wife, Maxine, came as our conference speaker. Speaking about the God who rules, based on Psalms, the talks over the week were a challenge and encouragement to be a child of God who delights in him, who, despite the troughs and peaks of life, can praise the Lord – for that is our eternal song (well, this was amongst a lot of other things that were brought to bear…cherishing God’s word, a warning not to fool with sin – it is a deadly enemy, living a holy life in sight of a holy God) .

The pool, as always, was freezing but fun, the food particularly good (I was in charge of liaising with the chef) and it was fun to chill out with our team mates for a few days!

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