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Wednesday 16 June 2010

Now baptised....

At the end of May Mattias and Annalise were both baptised. We promised to raise our kids to know and love Jesus and to follow him all their days. What a promise! Completely beyond our scope if it wasn't for our gracious God who works within us and through us. And I am so thankful that it isn't a promise just made by us as parents, but also by our family and church family to help us in this and to pray for us as we journey along this path of parenthood.

We hadn't baptised Mattias yet as our church in Loja doesn't practice infant baptism. This is probably a good thing to avoid confusion over it's significance when compared to christening within the catholic faith where it is seen as a necessary part of salvation.

Annalise put on a good show, crying the whole time we were up the front (she was just hungry, I guess I didn't time that quite right!).

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