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Monday 7 March 2011

La fiesta italiana

Here we are enjoying a 'family' feast with our team mates. Before we left Australia, John got a hold of the 'My family feast' series and thought it would be fun to watch an episode together and then eat the food they show (pending availability of ingredients of course). So, last Saturday we had our first such feast - italian. It was pretty good I think - we made tomato sauce (passata) out of 20kg of tomatoes, stuffed eggplant, meatballs and focaccia. Our dessert lacked authenticity - no gelato in our neck of the woods and not enough energy to have a go at making it. Oh, to be around the corner once again from Pure Gelato, now that would be bliss.


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  5. Hey guys! Douglas here from the Credo Haymarkets faculty network, and you're our link missionaries. It's been great hearing about what you're up to in Ecuador. How can we be praying for you guys back here?


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