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Wednesday 17 October 2012

Evangelism Ecuador style

September was the month of the Bible and the local churches in Loja decided to hold an event in Plaza San Sebastian. All day they ran mini talks, music, a kid's stall, an opportunity for counselling, and information sessions about the bible. There were people handing out tracts on the gospel and talking to people about Jesus and many other things.
We were asked to come along too, as Words of Hope bookshop. Happily, the timing coincided with our short term team being here from Australia, so we had lots of hands to get boxes of books to the plaza. 

I know that Oswaldo had a great day, although being in a public setting as an evangelical after having been heavily involved in the Catholic Church certainly had it's challenges. Here is Oswaldo in the middle, with some friends that are not only regular clients at the shop, but becoming good friends with Oswaldo.  

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