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Tuesday 20 October 2015

Diego on learning (Aussie) english and life so far

Here is a quick update on how things are going for Diego after being in Sydney for over four months now...

How are you going with your english studies?
I’m going well, about a month ago I gained Certificate 3 in EFS (English for Further Studies). Last week I passed the first level in the new course, EAP (English for Academic Purposes).

What have been some highlights of Australia so far?
I think something interesting about Australia compared to Ecuador is the number of different cultures that you come into contact with, especially people from Asia and the Middle East. 

What is surprising/different about life in Sydney to Loja?
This is a difficult question for me, every time someone asks me, I never know what to say! It’s the first time I am experiencing different seasons. Loja can be every season in one day, but I arrived in a cold Sydney winter!

What is hard about being in Sydney?
My english still presents a problem in terms of developing a ‘normal life’ and deeper relationships with people .

What is coming up over the next few months?
In December I finish classes at TAFE, and my big challenge is the IELTS exam.

What has God been teaching you?
God is showing me his faithfulness and care in many ways while I’ve been here so far.

How can we be praying for you?

To keep on improving my english, especially in my spelling.

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