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Tuesday 25 October 2016

Making the local news and another upcoming trip to earthquake affected areas

A while back when we went to help in earthquake affected areas on the coast we had the opportunity to share what we were doing with the local community.
Below is a picture of our pastor Leo Calva, explaining the project to the local newspaper (Article in the Cronica - click here).

Since then we have been another time and built 5 houses in four days (pre-fabricated houses makes things go a lot quicker). The next trip is planned for the first week in November, again to build housing and work within the community with kids ministry, activities with the women including some cooking and nutrition lessons and also we hope to run a healing group using the skills that Karine and some other team mates learnt at a trauma healing conference in September.

Pray for safety in the long drive, for receptivity to running a healing group, for growing trust in the community and deeper relationships to be formed and that people will come to know true healing and hope in the Lord Jesus.

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