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Sunday 6 May 2007

Discovering Gonzanama

It actually doesn't take too long, it's quite a small town! We spent a few days with our SIM team mates out there (Thurs - Sun), accompanying them on a bible study they do with a family with 8 kids, driving out to El Fundo to do a community consultation and generally finding out what they are involved in to bring the message of Jesus to this area. We also visited the local cemetery which was really pretty with flowers scattered all around and a great view of the Andes stretching away into the distance. This is an amazing country.


  1. What a great photo. It looks amazing. It is so weird to think you guys are in Ecuador!It just seems so different, but it feels like you are close to home when I see photos. I love the blog. Evie looks so cute, what a cherub!

  2. Annette Baggerman said;
    Thanks guys for the updates.Keep them coming!
    Trust you are well.
    Beautiful pictures of Karine and Evie, wow she is so cute, little blondie!
    We are praying for you.Take care.
    God bless


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