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Sunday 27 May 2007

Out and About

We've had a bit of a social time over the last few days! It feels like all our christmases have coincided. Friday we went to Vilcabamba and had lunch with Jason, a SIM team mate, Saturday was down to Landangui for lunch with Ulric, Natalia and Lelia (of French café fame) and a swim which Evie absolutely loved and Sunday, a picnic in the park with Patricia and Antonio and kids, from church. The Botanical Gardens are just outside of Loja and its a really peaceful place, lots of trees and herbs and little paths meandering through it all. We almost lost the Aerobe but John climbed under a serious barbed wire fence to rescue it. Having a few days like this helps with the loneliness that we feel, which while inevitable, is still hard as you work through the process of trying to build new relationships in another language and culture. Can you pray that we'll be patient in this process and also that we'll keep up the effort of making connections with people? Thanks!


  1. you are often in our prayers and thoughts. I'm so pleased you had a nice couple of days, hope it keeps you going through the hard days. In no time you three will be inundated with lovely friends. We miss you.

  2. yeh, it's quite draining to keep on thinking about attempts to make contacts, let alone develop them into good relationships! even harder when your child just doesn't seem to want the attention that these relationships bring :( Keep on going...I presume it gets a little easier!

  3. Guys, what a wonderful lot of photos: evie's growing up so much. the pic of her with you k is just stunning. it's great to see you in your biking gear k, im very impressed: cycling the andes makes my cycling the dijke in holland experience feel quite lame!!!
    we're missing you guys so much. you are in my prayers, thankful that you have had some really interesting times amidst the difficult and overwhelming long process of settling in, your wisdom and reliance on our gracious God is such witness, thank you. love you all so so much.vbs.xxxxx


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