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Thursday 12 August 2010


We have just spent some time with a mate in Wenatchee, three hours east of Seattle, as a way to help transition between the saying of so many goodbyes in Australia and the many hellos to come back to in Loja.
It was so great to see that almost everyone seemed to have some sort of veggie patch going in their yard, making the most of the fertile soil and excellent growing conditions they have over summer. These gardens were fruitful, verdant and abundant in bloom. There was a a sweet fragrance in the air as we passed by clusters of flowers in every yard.
As we set our sights on life for the next three years in Loja, we pray that it will be a Wenatchee-like experience...digging down into the fertile soil of God's word, revelling in relationship with Him, living fruitful, verdant and abundant lives for His glory.

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