The lady at the shop said I should try this, I agreed with her and found myself buying something new. (My interest in this particular guava was spiked after watching the guys on Master chef make the guava snow egg dessert, but the guava they used is completely different.)
It was really hard to open up, and the white bits were really soft and fluffy with a big seed inside. Overall I thought the flavour pretty unspectacular.
I'm more impressed with my quince paste that I made after finding quinces in the market. They were 50c each which I baulked at as expensive but a friend back home assures me this is incredibly cheap for quinces. I might have to make some more at the rate that Evie is eating it up!

Wow a quince in the market!! Looks yummy. Lesley and I love quice jelly but can never see any quinces to buy. Q jelly rarely appears for sale but mostly in boutique crafty markets.