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Tuesday 2 November 2010

The power of a symbol

It took me a while (being a bit slow on the uptake at times) to figure out why I can have Annalise dressed up like such a girl and still everyone saying how handsome he looked.

I know she doesn't have any hair yet and that makes it a little tricky, but doesn't the dress or the various shades of pink give it away? Apparently not, if you are Ecuadorian.

While I take my cues about the sex of a baby by what they are wearing, an Ecuadorian will almost exclusively zoom in on a baby's ears to see if they are pierced or not, and that's the clincher. When 100% of baby girls leave the hospital with pierced ears, it's a pretty sure way to decide if you are looking at a boy or a girl....unless it's an australian baby with a mum who hasn't pierced her baby girl's ears!

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