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Wednesday 14 December 2011

How do you know when mum's away?

This week Karine went on a little trip up to Quito to be with a friend. This left me to play dad and mum for the whole week.
You would think that everything would remain the same and the kids would behave like they do for mum, however there are a number of things that change while mum's away...

 Mattias becomes a budding puzzle expert, this being the 20th puzzle in four days, and yes that is a look of tiredness.

Evie decides that being a photographer would be really cool, and so starts with self-portraits... 

She then decides that Annalise would make a good model...
For both smiles and serious shots...
 Puzzles were her next genre...
and to top it off a new hairstyle...
Mattias finally finished his puzzle...
And dad prepared a quick tv dinner (I forgot that kids need to eat earlier than their bed time if anything is to go down the hatch, tv always helps)...
And thankfully  I managed a shop today as we were completely out of 'food'.
Come back Karine, we all miss you loads...

1 comment:

  1. You're so organised I think she'll go again!!! Should have had photos of blood, bandaids, and house mess!!!


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