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Saturday 3 March 2012

Car accident

Living in another country always provides challenges. Just the other day as I heard the beep of a horn and then a screech followed by a the contact of metal between two cars, it made me think again of the process of having an accident.
As any local here will do, I grabbed the camera and ran outside (it was while I was working on the garden for those who have seen my facebook post). 
This is at 10:23am

After this initial incident comes the discussion as to who is at fault or come to some sort of agreement between the two drivers. 
The problem with hitting a taxi is that it means that there will generally be many other taxis in the area real soon. I think that this brought many family members of the other driver, as soon there were heaps of cars in the area.

Not long after this the discussions began. As you will notice the Police came, and they took some photos, however were soon off to the side to let the two parties negotiate the incident. 

The thing with an incident like this is that if you car gets taken to the police impound, you have to work very hard to get it back in one piece and in fact it may never be given back. The solution, and that which even the police themselves suggest is that there is some agreement between parties and they can stay out of the incident altogether. If there is no resolution then the Police will take the cars away.

As you can see, there was agreement between the two parties here, the police left, the taxi left and the last car was towed away by one of their friend's ute. 
A great end to an unfortunate incident. 

1 comment:

  1. In my youth our church had a missionary in Peru. His child dropped he Teddy off the 2nd floor balcony. By the time the dad rushed down to the street this little old lady was heading off with the Teddy. Protests from the father caused a stir and the Police came and took lots of notes. A month later the magistrate ruled that whoever had the Teddy when the Police came probably was the rightful owner!!! I hope things have changed 50 yrs later!!!


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