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Wednesday 7 March 2012

The visit to the birds

Sometimes weird things just happen, and it happens wherever, whenever without expecting it.
And so yesterday I was walking home with Mattias and Annalise from buying milk and the kids stopped in front of a house up the road from us to gaze into the garden. There aren't that many front gardens to gaze into as mostly you meet concrete walls protecting privacy of homes.
This particular house had a car reversing out, so we stood gazing into the garden for a while longer to avoid getting squished by the car. The lady driving the car then proceeded to get out and ask Mattias and Annalise if they wanted to see some birds. Sure, why not.
So inside her house we go, to a little atrium full of tiny budgies. The kids are happy as ever to see something new. There were about 20 birds in this little nook, with little nests tucked into the wall and a tree for them to perch on. The kids glued their faces to the glass in fascination. And then the lady said she had to go to work but that we could stay as long as we wanted, go through the house, and the back garden, her cleaning guy would be around, and off she went! Weird! So we watched the birds for a while, checked out the house and back garden and then told the cleaning guy we were off. He was surprised, 'already?'. Not sure what else we would have done...but off we went anyways with the song of the cheep cheep in our heads and a little bit more of our neighbourhood known!

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