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Thursday 11 April 2013

A new license

I started yesterday to get a new license, well really I tried to start last week by going to the transit police to see what was needed. I had my list! I went to pay at a place close to our house and at didn't work so had to go back up to the police and pay there, however the system didn't let me give them my passport number as it includes a letter, so I had to go to a bank in the middle of town and pay. I got to that yesterday.
Today I got in the line and thought all was good, however there were around 45 people in front of me, a long wait. I was two people away from being served and their system went down, and it went down another 4 times before I finished the process.
I got to the place where they revise all paperwork and say that everything is fine, and that's when they said I had unpaid fines. Woops. So had to go to another bank in order to continue on with the process. I didn't know about the fines as they never gave me a ticket and they also never send reminders. They were from 2009 and 2011!! So a late fee was necessary.
With the payment done, I went and took the exam that is compulsory for every renewal, and managed without studying to get 95%, one error was because I had to say what the vehicle classes D and F were, but had to guess them both!! At least I got one right!!!
Here is a copy of the license...

The one thing I am glad about is that it is for five years, which means I don't have to do this process for a long time. Talk about a happy boy.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John, NSW has just cancelled the need to have a rego sticker on anything!!! Police just check your rego with their computer on the spot.


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